e5 Partner and Member Associations

e5 partner associations

United States Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE)
The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) is an organisation dedicated to implementing market-based approaches to reducing pollution and providing a diverse, secure mix of energy resources. Based in Washington, DC, the BCSE represents the broad portfolio of existing clean energy business sectors, including renewable energy, supply-side and demand-side energy efficiency, natural gas, and electric utilities in North America. The coalition is comprised of the suite of currently available technology options for strengthening domestic energy security while also reducing emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change. These technologies include: advanced batteries, biomass, biogas, fuel cells, geothermal, hydropower (including conventional and new waterpower resources such as ocean, tidal and in stream hydrokinetic), solar (including solar energy equipment such as solar hot water heating and solar light pipe technology), wind, natural gas, and supply-side and demand-side energy efficiency. For over fifteen years the Council has represented the views of clean energy technology industries in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change process.

Australian Clean Energy Council (CEC)
The CEC is a membership based industry association representing the clean energy and energy efficiency sectors. It has more than 550 member companies involved in the development or deployment of clean energy and energy efficiency technologies including wind, hydro, marine energy, solar photovoltaic and thermal, bioenergy, solar hot water, geothermal and cogeneration.

International Council for Sustainable Energy (ICSE)
The International Council for Sustainable Energy (ICSE) was established in December 2007 as an alliance of the European, United Kingdom and United States Business Councils for Sustainable Energy and the Australian Clean Energy Council.Together they represent more than 500 companies with a commercial interest in the expansion of global sustainable energy and energy efficiency markets. These companies are active in investing substantial capital to meet the intersecting challenges of climate change, energy security and ensuring adequate warmth for vulnerable groups. Through a range of activities, the ICSE seeks to influence international negotiations on sustainable energy and climate change issues. In addition, individual Council’s have active programmes of engagement at a domestic scale.

e5 scientific advisors

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
The Wuppertal Institute undertakes research and develops models, strategies and instruments for transitions to a sustainable development at local, national and international level. Sustainability research at the Wuppertal Institute focuses on the resources, climate and energy related challenges and their relation to economy and society. Special emphasis is put on analysing and stimulating innovations that decouple economic growth and wealth from natural resource use.

Global Climate Forum (GCF)
The Global Climate Forum initiates and performs high-class research on climate change in close interaction with stakeholders. Scientific Founding Members of the GCF are for example the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (Hamburg), the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (UK), the Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei (Milano), the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (Bergen), the Paul Scherrer Institut (ETH Zürich) and the International Research Center on Environment and Development (Paris). The core activity of the Forum is to define and carry out joint studies; these shall provide arguments for long-term climate mitigation and adaptation policies leading ultimately towards a sustainable development path. The GCF provides a pluralistic communication platform in the emerging global field of governments, local authorities, businesses, and social movements.

e5 member associations

Germanwatch is an independent development and environmental organisation which lobbies for sustainable global development. The organisation observes, analyses and acts in the fields of World Trade and Food Security, Climate Protection and Adaptation, Corporate Accountability, the Financial Sector and Sustainability as well as the Financing of Development Cooperation. In doing so, it focuses on the politics and economics of the North with their worldwide consequences and actively promotes North-South equity and the preservation of livelihoods.

Corporate Responsibility Interface Center (CRIC)
CRIC is the biggest investor association for the promotion of ethical investments in the German-speaking world. The association aims at creating a strong foundation for ecological and social-cultural aspects in business. This is accomplished by raising awareness for ethical investments in society and economy and the representation of interests of its members. CRIC sees itself both as information platform and competence centre, while focusing on scientific evaluation.

Global Conservation Standard (GCS)
The Global Conservation Standard (GCS) is a designed to make conservation pay for landowners and the local populations worldwide based on the stock volume of measurable ecosystem services benefits through the issuance and sale of Conservation Credit Units (CCUs). Through the sale, money is channeled to the legal-land use holder and the Stakeholder Foundation that has the mandate to invest in the empowerment of sustainable local livelihoods, thus creating a „core conservation area“ and „commercial buffer zone“. The GCS vision is to provide the highest level of environmental stewardship through conservation, social responsibility, sustainable use, education, honesty and sobriety.

European Insulation Manufacturers Association (EURIMA)
Eurima is the European Insulation Manufacturers Association and represents the interests of all major mineral wool producers throughout Europe. It’s members manufacture a wide range of mineral wool products for the thermal and acoustic insulation and fire protection of domestic and commercial buildings and industrial facilities. Eurima was established in 1959 to promote improved standards and regulations for the use of insulation materials. More recently, it has developed to reflect the growing environmental concerns of society.


International Network for Environmental Management e.V. (INEM)
The International Network for Environmental Management e.V. (INEM), founded in 1991, is the world federation of non-profit national business associations for environmental management with about 30 member associations and cleaner production centres in 25 countries. INEM’s goals are to increase the number of environmentally managed companies; assist in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in implementing environmental management; improve the quality of environmental management; and transfer environmental management know-how from business and industry to other sectors of society. In addition, INEM strives to help develop a macro-economic framework that favours environmentally managed companies.

European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF)
The European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) is the voice of the solar thermal industry, actively promoting the use of solar thermal technology for renewable heating and cooling in Europe. ESTIF’s mission is to achieve high priority and acceptance for solar thermal as a key element for sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and, with immediate effect, to work for the implementation of all necessary steps to realise the high potential of solar thermal. With around 80 members from 17 European countries, ESTIF represents the entire value chain.

OroVerde – Die Tropenwaldstiftung
OroVerde („Green Gold„) was founded in 1989 by renowned personalities from industry and science. Working on the preservation of tropical forests. For this purpose, international projects are initiated, supported and realized in cooperation with local partner organisations. The work is organized and coordinated by a small interdisciplinary managment team in the Bonn. In Germany, the focus lies on environmental education and information on tropical forests and on promoting the exchange of information between conservation organizations, industry, science and politics.