In the run-up to the Copenhagen negotiations, climate-friendly business wishes to advance proposals how individual companies – SMEs as well as corporations, both in direct cooperation with businesses in the global South – can contribute to the transfers of climate-friendly technologies. Therefore, the European Business Council for Sustainable Energy (e5) organised in Germany in 2009 a workshop series at which more than 100 experts from clean energy business, finance, development cooperation and climate policy discussed how to create win-win-situation between business and poor societies in need of carbon efficient technologies. Especially the situation of SMEs was examined. The project was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the German Federal Environment Agency.
The memorandum „Climate Justice as Business Case. Innovative Business Models for the Transfers of Climate-friendly Technologies“ was a preliminary result of this evaluation process . It intends to give fresh impetus to harness the potential benefits of transfers of climate-friendly technologies for all concerned by creative entrepreneurship. „Climate-friendly technologies“, in this context, are defined as mitigation technologies which contribute to sustainable development decoupled from an increase of greenhouse gas emissions. It presents instruments that are to assist developing countries in their efforts to reduce GHG emissions in a measurable, reportable and verifiable way. Furthermore, the paper focusses explicitly on novel innovative approaches and instruments which up to now have not been employed in technology transfers, or, if so, only scarcely. These models and instruments do not figure largely in the debate on technology transfers.
Download Memorandum (English Short Version)
More Information on the conference series is only available in German, see here.