European Energy Choices
Options for a European Energy and Climate-Protection Policy
Wed, 21.2.07 19h – Thu, 22.2.07 18h
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Berlin
A conference of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
and the European Business Council for Sustainable Energy (e5)
The European Energy Policy is entering a period in which critical choices need to be made. The current energy system is challenged on a number of issues:
- The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change has highlighted the need for decisive action on climate change, if major disruptions to the global economy due to climate-related damages are to be avoided. Europe is called upon to lead the global battle against climate change with credible action, sharply reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2020 and 80% by 2050.
- The dependency on energy imports is projected to rise sharply as the internal production of oil and gas declines. The increasing amount of imports from the Middle East and countries like Russia are a growing cause of concern.
- Energy prices are expected to rise throughout the EU, fuelling concerns about the competitiveness of the European industry.
- The existing power plant infrastructure in Western Europe will have to be renewed in the foreseeable future, amounting to a total investment of approximately 300 billion Euros within the coming 20 years. The question as to whether, to what extent and how this investment is to take shape, will, to a large degree, define the EU’s capacity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
European policy making has shifted to a high gear in response to these challenges. The European Commission will table its Strategic Energy Review in January 2007, including a plan of action that European Heads of State should adopt during their March Summit.
What are the critical choices that Europe has to make with regard to its energy policy? What are the scenarios that could guide our energy policy? What should a European Energy Policy look like, when it is to be based on both the need for supply security and for an appropriate reaction to climate change? What are the opportunities and risks for the business sector in the transformation of the European energy system? What options exist for the new member states?
In the run-up to the Spring Summit under the German Presidency of the EU, it is time to take stock of the policy options that could guide the emerging European Energy Policy in the coming years.
Dr. Felix Chr. Matthes (Öko-Institut)
Dr. Ignacio Campino (Deutsche Telekom AG)
Paul Metz (e5)
Dr. Martin Rocholl (Friends of the Earth Europe)
Hans-Josef Fell (MdB)
Dr. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz (Central European University Budapest)
Rebecca Harms (MEP)
Agenda 21.02.2007:
18:30 h | Registration |
19:00 h | Welcome Note Ralf Fücks (President Heinrich Böll Foundation) Sebastian Gallehr (Chief Executive Director e5) |
19:30 h | Keynote Addresses An European vision scenario to meet ambitious climate targets, reduce nuclear risks and import dependence Dr. Felix Chr. Matthes (Öko-Institute, Berlin) Opportunities for European Business in the upcoming energy revolution Dr. Ignacio Campino (Deutsche Telekom AG) |
21:30 h | Reception |
Agenda 22.07.2007:
09:00 h | Welcome & Introduction Dr. Rebekka Göhring (Heinrich Böll Foundation) |
09:15 h | Panel 1: Energy Efficiency: The Road from Theory to Practice Dr. Martin Rocholl (Friends of the Earth Europe) Hans-Josef Fell (Member of the German Parliament) David Hubert (Eurima) Zdravko Genchev (enEffect, Sofia) Chair: Jörg Haas (Heinrich Böll Foundation) |
10:45 h | Coffee Break |
11:00 h | Panel 2: Visions for a Sustainable European Energy Supply Rebecca Harms (Member of European Parliament) Dr. Jürgen Neubarth(E.ON-Ruhrgas AG) Diana Ürge-Vorsatz (Central European University, Budapest) Jennifer Morgan (Third Generation Environmentalism) Chair: Sebastian Gallehr (Chief Executive Director e5) |
12:45 h | Lunch Break |
14:00 h | Panel 3: New Grids for a Sustainable European Energy Market Robert Werner (Greenpeace Energy eG) Hugo Schönbeck (GPX International Ltd.) Chris Veal (Airtricity) Antonella Battaglini (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) Chair: Paul Metz (Speaker of the Board of e5) |
15:30 h | Coffee Break |
16:00 h | Panel 4: Governing the Markets Dr. Andrzej Kassenberg (Institute for Sustainable Development, Poland) Claude Turmes (Member of the European Parliament) David Green (UK BCSE) Chair: Dr. Rebekka Göring (Heinrich Böll Stiftung) |
17:30 h | Closing remarks Ralf Fücks (President, Heinrich Böll Foundation) Sebastian Gallehr (Chief Executive Director e5) |
- For the Conference Report in english see here.
- For the Conference Report in german see here.
Room Galerie
Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin
Frederik Lottje
Phone: 030 – 28534-389,